The joy of letting go

There’s this silly thing making rounds on Facebook these days: the #10YearChallenge.
Regardless of what your opinion on this is, the entire thing (much like the now-famous Instagram egg) is just an attention grabber, a marketing gimmick, a content-creation trigger. And personal challenges should be about something else. They should be personal and and should end up in positive change.
So here’s my quick challenge for you. It’s not even a 10 year one, but rather a 60 day one (that’s about how long it takes, on average, to form a new habit. Results may vary) — try letting go.
Let go of things that you no longer use*.
Let go of people that suck out your energy.
Let go of the job that makes you miserable.
Let go of the subscriptions that don’t bring you value.
Let go of grudges for people that are no longer in your life.
Let go of worries about situations you cannot control.
Let go of the past. (but learn from it)
If the above seems familiar, it’s because it ‘s inspired by non-attachment—a concept that has nothing to do with religion or spirituality and everything to do with you as carbon-based life-form inhabiting this planet.
And as with everything that you have learned (or still learning), like how to eat, act, tie your shoelaces, non-attachment can be learned. And once you learn non-attachment, small bits of joy will start popping up everywhere.
So set yourself this challenge as the goal for the next 60 days, see how that works out for you. And if it does, I’d love to hear from you. But if it doesn’t, then definitely I’d like to learn why.
*I have this super-simple rule when it comes to things: If you don’t use it for a year, you can throw it away. Because within a year you’ll most probably encounter all the seasons and situations in which that particular item could’ve been used and you didn’t. So let go of that stuff, it just takes up space in your life and mind.
I’m a creative thinker that sometimes likes to write. In love with science and technology and most importantly, their impact on educating the world. I’m always open for coffee and a nice chat. Thanks for stopping by 🙌🏻 🙏🏻